So far, we know that pesticides are very useful in helping farmers take care of the farm. Pesticides can prevent agricultural land from pest attack. This means that if farmers use pesticides, the farm will increase and will make the lives of the farmers become more prosperous. With this understanding, the pesticide has been used in almost every farm.
But, behind the hugely beneficial, the researchers finally realized that pesticides have a considerable impact adversely on its use. After investigation, pesticides can damage aquatic ecosystems around the farm. Why is that? If pesticides are used, will result in the remnants of water containing pesticides. water containing these pesticides will flow through the river or stream irrigation and can fertilize the algae in the waters of the river or irrigation was empty.
With the proliferation of algae, sunlight can lead to difficult to masu into the lake. This resulted in the animals or phytoplankton are not exposed. If the phytoplankton are not exposed, then it will not be able to photosynthesize and can no longer produce food for water animals.
Besides damaging the ecosystems, pesticides also can damage the health of farmers, especially health. Drngan menggunakanpestisida frequent, then the skin contact with pesticides will also be more frequent and can cause skin irritation. Or if the pesticide by inhalation and into the lungs, can interfere with respiratory health.
Given the adverse effects of pesticides, more farmers are encouraged to use organic farming systems that do not use chemicals at all. But the farm with this method also has the risk that is susceptible to pests. But the results of this agricultural sanngat healthy and will not harm our health.
Other studies also mentioned that the risk of cancer in people who smoke JV caused by pesticide use at the time of planting tobacco. If we compare those ancient times, although they are smokers, but they remain healthy and do not have cancer. This possibility is because the past has not used pesticides during planting tobacco.
Therefore, farmers should not be too much use of pesticides and organic farming. Organic farming is very beneficial and has no harmful side effects to the environment and the body.
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