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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Danger of Carbon Dioxide Emissions

One of the causes of global warming is carbon dioxide emissions are very high. These emissions result from burning fossil fuels. According to their chemical structure, which is also called a fuel hydrocarbon chains consisting of an iron atom of carbon and hydrogen. If hydrocarbons are burned with oxygen, it will generate carbon dioxide and water vapor. But if the burning was not perfect it will produce carbon monoxide is also highly toxic.

Major source emitters of carbon dioxide globally there are 2 kinds. First, the coal-powered power plants. The power plant is wasted energy 2 times the energy produced. For instance, the energy used 100 units, while 35 units of energy produced. Thus, the energy wasted is 65 units! Every 1000 megawatts generated from coal fired power plant would emit 5.6 million tons of carbon dioxide per year! Secondly, the burning of motor vehicles. Vehicles that consume fuel as much as 7.8 liters per 100 km and a distance of 16 thousand miles, then every year will emit 3 tons of carbon dioxide into the air! Imagine if the number of vehicles in Jakarta more than 4 million vehicles! How many tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere per year?

It is important to remember, GHG emissions must be reduced! So it must be built industrial and transportation system that is NOT dependent on fossil fuels (petroleum and coal). If necessary, use NOT AT ALL! Because climate change is a global problem, the solution must also internationally. The first step taken is the creation of the Framework Convention on Climate Change (Framework Convention on Climate Change) in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, signed by 167 countries. Framework Convention morally binding all industrialized countries to stabilize their emissions of carbon dioxide.

Unfortunately, only a few industrialized countries that meet the target. The next step is to make legally binding commitments and strengthen it in a protocol. Created was the Kyoto Protocol or Kyoto Protocol. The goal: requires industrialized countries to collectively reduce their emissions by 5.2 percent from 1990 emission levels.

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